attachments, and get lossless count. $this->resmush_ids = $resmush_ids; } // Get attachments if all the images are not smushed. $this->unsmushed_attachments = $this->remaining_count > 0 ? $this->get_unsmushed_attachments() : array(); $this->unsmushed_attachments = ! empty( $this->unsmushed_attachments ) && is_array( $this->unsmushed_attachments ) ? array_values( $this->unsmushed_attachments ) : $this->unsmushed_attachments; $data = $this->get_global_stats(); } else { $data = array( 'count_supersmushed' => '', 'count_smushed' => '', 'count_total' => '', 'count_images' => '', 'unsmushed' => '', 'resmush' => '', 'savings_bytes' => '', 'savings_resize' => '', 'savings_conversion' => '', 'savings_supersmush' => '', 'savings_percent' => '', 'percent_grade' => '', 'percent_metric' => '', 'percent_optimized' => '', ); } // Check if scanner class is available. $scanner_ready = isset( $this->mod->dir->scanner ); $data['dir_smush'] = array( 'currentScanStep' => $scanner_ready ? $this->mod->dir->scanner->get_current_scan_step() : 0, 'totalSteps' => $scanner_ready ? $this->mod->dir->scanner->get_scan_steps() : 0, ); $data['resize_sizes'] = $this->get_max_image_dimensions(); // Convert it into ms. $data['timeout'] = WP_SMUSH_TIMEOUT * 1000; wp_localize_script( $handle, 'wp_smushit_data', apply_filters( 'wp_smush_script_data', $data ) ); } /** * Check bulk sent count, whether to allow further smushing or not * * @param bool $reset To hard reset the transient. * @param string $key Transient Key - bulk_sent_count/dir_sent_count. * * TODO: remove this (and all related code) because the limit has been lifted in 3.12.0 * * @return bool */ public static function check_bulk_limit( $reset = false, $key = 'bulk_sent_count' ) { $is_pre_3_12_6_site = get_site_option( 'wp_smush_pre_3_12_6_site' ); if ( $is_pre_3_12_6_site ) { return true; } $transient_name = 'wp-smush-' . $key; // If we JUST need to reset the transient. if ( $reset ) { set_transient( $transient_name, 0, 60 ); return false; } $bulk_sent_count = (int) get_transient( $transient_name ); // Check if bulk smush limit is less than limit. if ( ! $bulk_sent_count || $bulk_sent_count < self::MAX_FREE_BULK ) { $continue = true; } elseif ( $bulk_sent_count === self::MAX_FREE_BULK ) { // If user has reached the limit, reset the transient. $continue = false; $reset = true; } else { $continue = false; } // If we need to reset the transient. if ( $reset ) { set_transient( $transient_name, 0, 60 ); } return $continue; } /** * Get registered image sizes with dimension * * @return array */ public function image_dimensions() { return Helper::get_image_sizes(); } /** * Get the Maximum Width and Height settings for WrodPress * * @return array, Array of Max. Width and Height for image. */ public function get_max_image_dimensions() { global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; $width = 0; $height = 0; $limit = 9999; // Post-thumbnail. $image_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes(); // If image sizes are filtered and no image size list is returned. if ( empty( $image_sizes ) ) { return array( 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, ); } // Create the full array with sizes and crop info. foreach ( $image_sizes as $size ) { if ( in_array( $size, array( 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'medium_large', 'large' ), true ) ) { $size_width = get_option( "{$size}_size_w" ); $size_height = get_option( "{$size}_size_h" ); } elseif ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ] ) ) { $size_width = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['width']; $size_height = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['height']; } // Skip if no width and height. if ( ! isset( $size_width, $size_height ) ) { continue; } // If within te limit, check for a max value. if ( $size_width <= $limit ) { $width = max( $width, $size_width ); } if ( $size_height <= $limit ) { $height = max( $height, $size_height ); } } return array( 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, ); } /** * Update the image smushed count in transient * * @param string $key Database key. */ public static function update_smush_count( $key = 'bulk_sent_count' ) { $transient_name = 'wp-smush-' . $key; $bulk_sent_count = get_transient( $transient_name ); // If bulk sent count is not set. if ( false === $bulk_sent_count ) { // Start transient at 0. set_transient( $transient_name, 1, 200 ); } elseif ( $bulk_sent_count < self::MAX_FREE_BULK ) { // If lte MAX_FREE_BULK images are sent, increment. set_transient( $transient_name, $bulk_sent_count + 1, 200 ); } } /** * Set the big image threshold. * * @param int $threshold The threshold value in pixels. Default 2560. * * @return int|bool New threshold. False if scaling is disabled. * @since 3.3.2 * */ public function big_image_size_threshold( $threshold ) { if ( Settings::get_instance()->get( 'no_scale' ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $this->mod->resize->is_active() ) { return $threshold; } $resize_sizes = Settings::get_instance()->get_setting( 'wp-smush-resize_sizes' ); if ( ! $resize_sizes || ! is_array( $resize_sizes ) ) { return $threshold; } return $resize_sizes['width'] > $resize_sizes['height'] ? $resize_sizes['width'] : $resize_sizes['height']; } }